Friendship PCS - Technology Preparatory High School Academy
Friendship PCS - Technology Preparatory High School Academy
Tiffany Mason
MTThW: 7:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
F: 7:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Tech Prep prepares students for today's fast-paced, tech-driven world with project-based engineering, science, and robotics instruction while exploring tools like AI and gamification. With 16 AP courses, Honors classes, and Career Academies that provide in-demand pathways in cyber security, engineering, environmental sciences, urban agriculture, and communication arts, two-thirds of Tech Prep students are enrolled in AP courses. Tech Prep boasts a 100% college acceptance rate, with graduates attending top institutions, from Ivy Leagues like Yale to leading STEM-focused HBCUs like North Carolina A&T.
Advanced Placement
Career and Technical Education
Dual College Enrollment
Extended Day
Interscholastic Sports
Online Learning
Restorative Justice Program
School Garden
STEM Focus
Basketball, Dance, Step, Science Club, Kappa League, Robotics, Architecture-Construction-Engineering Club, STEM Club, Art Anime Club, Friendship News
• 100% graduation and college acceptance rates
• Internationally recognized student STEM achievements
• Student STEM patent initiatives and Eco-friendly campus
Learn more about this school’s DC CAPE (previously known as PARCC and DC Science) results by visiting the DC School Report Card website.
- 99% Black/African-American
- <1% Asian
- 1% Hispanic / Latino
- <1% Native American / Alaska Native
- <1% Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
- <1% White non-Hispanic
- <1% Multiracial